Tik Tok for Cheerleaders

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Story by Miracle Mason. Picture from google.com.

 JUN 2, 2021: Tik Tok is a video-sharing social media platform. You can make short dancing, acting, talking, and prank videos. The videos can be up to one minute long.

I like to do dance challenges on Tik Tok the most because it makes me feel like I’m at cheer practice or a competition. Since the pandemic, we haven’t really been able to have practice and compete so my cheer sister and I share our Tik Tok challenges with each other.

I like Tik Tok and I am going to have a Tik Tok birthday this year. At my party, we are going to make Tik Tok videos and have Tik Tok decorations so my party can be lit. I love Tik Tok!

Miracle Mason is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Blow Pierce Elementary.