Empowering Words From The Mothers of Eric Garner and Trayvon Martin

Story by Braylon Wims. Photos by Tanai Green.

On May 25th, 2022, the mothers of Trayvon Martin and Eric Garner traveled to Friendship Armstrong Campus to host the Mothers of the Movement Forum. Ms. Gwen Carr (Eric Garner's mother)  and Mrs. Sabrina Fulton (Trayvon Martin’s mother) were interviewed by MSNBC reporter Michelle Bernard.The two mothers explained how they met and elaborated on their opinions on the recent mass shootings that have been transpiring around the US. Ms. Carr stated that, “It took five years to get one police officer fired, while another police officer said,  “…not a big deal.” She then said,  “He was my son. You killed the wrong mother’s son. I'm going after you.” 

In reference to one of the officers saying, “No big deal,” when seeing her son lying lifeless on the ground after being killed, Ms. Carr elaborated further with a lot of inspiring and empowering words like, “I’m not a violent person, I’m a direct person,” and “If you’re not on the table you’re on the menu.” She said this to shed light on situations in which people have to get aggressive when confronting people in power. Because if you don’t, then you’re just another person they can eat up to better their reputations.

Ms. Carr is a prime example and a perfect representation of the fact that if you have a clear goal in mind, you can and will do whatever it takes to achieve that goal if you feel strong enough about it. 

Mrs. Fulton also had some eye-opening words about her son's death and police brutality when describing her son's death. She stated, “A 28-year-old man who was part of the Neighborhood Watch, armed with a loaded gun chased a 17-year-old unarmed boy, cornered and ultimately killed him.” She went on to say, “America thought they would get it right. The justice system, usually when it’s people of color, they never get it right.”

She stated in reference to this unofficial officer’s “not guilty” plea in the Trayvon Martin case, “It’s about policy and laws, but it’s also about changing mindsets.” 

Ms. Carr exclaimed “Donald Trump woke up the sleeper cells.” (a secretive group of spies or terrorist agents that remain inactive within a target population until ordered to act.)” 

Mrs. Fulton followed up saying, “The country feels unsafe. We have to make it safe for everyone who lives here.”  

During the event, students from Friendship Collegiate, Blowpierce, and Tech Prep asked questions. The two answered as many as they could in their allotted time. 

In the end, I believe this forum was an inspiration and a call to take action for every student and adult in attendance or who watched this on Facebook live. These two made me personally believe I could do anything I put my mind to. They showed me how strong black moms act in the face of adversity and when fighting for what they believe in. Black women have very powerful voices, so powerful they can shake up a whole room if put in front of the mic. I now believe that women are gaining more influence, and can make some serious changes in the future by following their lead.

Braylon Wims is an 11th grade scholar at Friendship Collegiate Academy.